Monday, February 21, 2005

A New Beginning

As Salaamu Alaykum,

As many readers will be aware, Simply Islam came to a halt from being updated due to some personal reasons.

However, with the help and aid of Allah, things have managed to settle down and life has taken its normal course once again.

Insha-Allah I am hoping that this time Allah will give the strength and inclination to continue this blog in order to benefit those who come here.

As mentioned before, this blog will consist of certain areas of Islamic Education:

1. Fiqh (Jurisprudence) - In simple words, lessons that will teach an individual the most necessary knowledge in regards to their everyday life. Rulings that will be needed in order for one to discharge his daily obligations.

2. Qur'anic Teachings - The Qur'an is the book that was revealed upon the Prophet Sallallahu Alayhi Wa Sallam in order to guide mankind. Insha-Allah a few verses will be mentioned and explained in order to create an understand between the Believer and the Qur'an.

3. Ahadeeth (Prophet Narrations) - Being one of the main sources of our religion, it is vital that each and every Muslim has some sort of connection with the words of the Prophet Sallallahu Alayhi Wa Sallam. Its importance is such that the Sahaaba Radhi Allahu Anhum would travel for months on camel backs in order to attain one Hadeeth.

4. Tazkiyyah (Reformation of the Heart) - "Be Aware, within the body there is a piece of flesh, if that piece of flesh is righteous then the entire body will be righteous, if that piece is corrupt, then the entire body will be corrupt. Know that that piece is the Heart." For a believer to attain the complete level of Imaan (belief) it is important that his heart is reformed. In order to do this, the Mashaa'ikh (spiritual guides) have prescribed many antidotes for the sin of men. Insha-Allah an effort will be made to present these works along in order to make the heart the home of Allah.

Finally, I would like to emphasise that this blog is here for both me and you to benefit from. If there is any way in which this learning could be improved I would more than appreciate ideas and comments.

I pray to Allah that he makes this effort an accepted one, and that through this he gives us all salvation and inclination to achieve that which we have intended to fulfil. Aameen.

Finally, I would like to thank all those who aided me in continuing this blog by their support. May Allah accept your good intentions. Aameen.


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