Monday, April 25, 2005

Upcoming Posts

As Salaamu Alaykum,

As many of the readers will be aware, there are a number of different topics being discussed on this site at the moment.

Insha-Allah, I am planning to bring those topics to an end before any new topics are discussed. Once the topics have been finished I will create a post with links to all the parts of that topic so people can refer to them as a whole.

The following topics will be discussed in the following weeks:

1. Aqeedah (two parts remaining Insh-Allah)
2. Shari'ah - A lifestyle

Insha-Allah, once these topics have been discussed we will start:

1. Salaah.
2. Tahaarat
3. Nikaah

(as voted for in the poll)

Please remember me in your humble Du'aas


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